Thursday, September 17, 2009


10 Tough Management Questions

Tough times call for tough managers. These are tough times for our economy, for our careers, for our lives. So you’re a tough manager, you need to be asking yourself the tough questions, to make sure you are doing all you can with your team to stay relevant, to keep doing what needs to be done to move the business forward.

I have seen entire team’s downsized, friends have lost their jobs, and others have been re-organized to report to a completely different department than they were a year ago.

Instead of running away and hiding, hoping nobody notices your team, stand up and be counted!

Ask yourself these tough questions before someone else does…and try to find and implement the answers sooner than later.

  1. Why am I doing what I’m doing?
  2. Is my team still doing work that’s valued?
  3. How does my daily work contribute to the firm’s bottom line?
  4. How can I do more that is more meaningful to the business?
  5. How can I do less of what isn’t meaningful?
  6. Is what I’m doing RIGHT NOW helping or hindering my team’s growth?
  7. Is there a better way to do this task?
  8. How can I reward my team for doing the great work they’re doing?
  9. What new skills do I need to learn and what skills do I need to teach my team?
  10. Do the right people know the value my team brings to the table?


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